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How to edit a choose your own romance (Days 10 and 11)

I feel like screaming from the roof tops.

I love The Unfaithful Wife! I love Nina, her character and how she took control of her situation and forged a different life. I'm individually in love with her husband, her lover and her third option. Can I have any one of them for just one night (sorry hubby)!

There is nothing like reading through a completed draft and saying, yep. I'd buy this. I'd read this.

Editing is now done and I'm onto rounds of proof reading. Not my favourite part of releasing a book, but necessary to sort out my 'brought' from 'bought' and 'rode' from 'road' and 'he' from 'her'.

There is no quick way to do this and reading on the screen doesn't work for me. All I end up doing is reading as if I was reading any book - for fun not for picking up errors.

Proof read 1 - headphones and turn on 'read aloud' in Word. It's a great way of listening to the flow, and realizing when my sentences are too short and staccato and when I've repeated words. Then this version is ready to send out to my advance review team (all you have to do is ask).

Proof read 2 - I read aloud. This should be quicker, because most of the quick fixes were done in editing or the first proof read.

Proof read 3 - print off and read on paper. It is still surprising how many small errors aren't picked up listening or on the screen but are so obvious on the page.

I'm really on track for The Unfaithful Wife to be ready for you at the end of the month at the new release discount of $2.99. Pre-order your copy today.


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