You love Nina!
OMG! Did you know that reviews are hugs for authors.
I am so grateful for the hugs that have started coming in for The Unfaithful Wife.
"A really great read, full of love, cheating, reconnection, passion & acceptance. You can choose your ending. I went the soft route until Lucas made a pitch which I personally found the most tempting, younger hot man, [spoiler] but a force to be reckoned with. Will go back & choose other options but I was seriously pleased with my options for the stunning heroine, wow, uber sexy."
and this:
"I like the pick your own ending series. This author knows how to write with mystery and twists. I had to read this book straight through. Honest review in exchange for this book."
Thank you so much - and whether it is one of my books or another, hug an author today!